Friday, March 9, 2007

My Dad

Thinking of a man
his hands rough and scarred
He held my tiny hand
with a father's heart

I remember that day
the sun shining bright
But love shone even brighter
twinkling in his eyes

To you he's just a good man
but he's much more than that
He's the greatest man I've ever met
he's my hero... and he's my DAD


Day4plus said...

I wish I knew my dad better, he died when I was young but I knew I was Daddy's little girl. I liked the Gramma one also. You write very well. Keep it up. MB

Portrait of Peter said...

Your poetic words - from the heart.

So very touching and of love.

blessings to you and thank you so much for your kind comments and may I Congratulate you on your "Thinking Blogger Award".

Bee Haven Bev said...

Mikki Jo....such a lovely blog. I have enjoyed your writing. I was reminded of my own dear Nana and how she, too, loved the earth (and all of us) Thank you for sharing.

TO BECOME said...

I love my Dad so very much so I can certainly understand your love for your Dad. My Dad taught me so many things that I didn't even realize until I was grown. He died when he was 62 and I missed him so much. He was my friend. connie from Texas

Genuine Lustre said...

A darling photo. Such a 60s dad. Glad you have happy memories. Isn't it sad that we'll never have those days back again?
My family was camping in those days too - we have similar photos of me wearing similar sunglasses. : P